1801 Inwood Rd, 5th Floor, Dallas TX 75390 | (214) 645-3115

Hand & Wrist

Restore Motion, Relieve Pain

Hand & Wrist

Hands and wrists that function properly are crucial to performing the routine activities of daily life, but many people find it impossible to perform even the simplest acts due to pain or injury. Your hands, fingers and wrists can become impaired due to a fall, degenerative disorder, aging, repetitive use, nerve compression, accident, injury, or cancer treatment. Dr. Cheng is at the forefront of hand and wrist surgeries that can ease pain, improve appearance, and restore natural strength and functioning of your hand, wrist, and fingers.

Types of Hand and Wrist Injuries

Hand and wrist surgery with Dr. Cheng includes a range of surgical and microsurgical procedures that can restore the function and appearance of the hand, fingers and wrist. Our board-certified hand surgeon performs a wide variety of operations that fall under the category of reconstructive surgery for hand and wrist injuries, including:

  • Tendon Injuries
  • Nerve Injuries
  • Fractures
  • Amputation/Replantation
  • Dislocations
  • Crush Injuries
  • Age-Related Disorders
  • Infections
  • Defects Created Through Lump or Tumor Removal
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries
  • Stiff, Bent, and Locked Fingers

Each hand or wrist surgery that Dr. Cheng performs is as unique as your very own fingerprints. Dr. Cheng takes the time to discuss your specific medical history and performs a complete physical assessment before recommending a course of action to restore your comfort, mobility, and hand appearance.

Dr. Cheng’s Approach to Repairing Hand and Wrist Injuries

Dr. Jonathan Cheng is board-certified in plastic surgery and hand surgery, which distinguishes his training and credentials from many other doctors. He possesses diagnostic acumen, precision technique, and an advanced understanding of hand anatomy and physiology, and utilizes the most advanced treatment techniques available today. A consultation and physical examination can help point a way to the best approach to dealing with your specific hand or wrist injury.