Hand Surgery
Hand surgery is the field of medicine that deals with problems of the hand, wrist and forearm. Hand surgeons can often care for these problems without surgery, and they are specially trained to operate when necessary.
Nerve ReconstructionBrachial Plexus

Learn MoreHand & WristRestore Motion, Relieve Pain

Learn MoreCubital Tunnel SyndromeAlleviate Numbness

Learn MoreMicrosurgical Reconstruction
Complex reconstruction is performed in all areas of the body, from the head down to the toes. Dr. Cheng’s specialized training in complex reconstruction includes expertise in reconstruction of the breast, head and neck, face, trunk, and extremities. This requires mastery of anatomy and techniques for peripheral nerve and brachial plexus repair, microsurgery using perforator flaps and supermicrosurgery, facial reanimation, and advanced limb restoration.
Lower ExtremityLimb Salvage

Learn MoreHead & NeckRestore Form and Function

Learn MoreFacialCorrect Paralysis

Learn MoreNon-Surgical
Surgery isn't the only route to achieving improved contours and radiant skin. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jonathan Cheng offers an exciting menu of non-surgical aesthetic enhancements for the face.
FillerDermal Fillers

Learn MoreBotoxBrow and Forehead